Product description
See a list of details to help identify the product.
Reason the product is recalled
The product does not comply with the mandatory standard ‘Trade Practices Act 1974. Consumer Protection Notice No. 6 of 2005 Consumer Product Safety Standard: Children’s Household Cots’.
The cot fails various design, construction, performance and labelling requirements:
1. The distance between the top of the mattress base and the top edge of the lowest cot side does not comply.
2. A foothold is created when the mosquito net is installed.
3. The cot has an accessible sharp point.
4. The access fastening device does not automatically engage when the dropside is raised and may be able to be opened by a child from within the cot.
5. The warning labels and safety markings are missing.
The hazards to consumers
What consumers should do
Consumers should stop using the product and contact the eBay seller gadget_arcade store to arrange for a full refund.
For further information, consumers should email zenis0510@gmail.com or send a message to the gadget_arcade store via eBay customer service at https://mesg.ebay.com.au/mesgweb/ViewMessages/0/All?filter=1