Furniture Complaints Australia

Have a complaint?

This is Australia’s first dedicated complaints handling service for consumer problems related to unsafe, faulty or not fit for purpose furnishing products.

If you are dissatisfied with the response to your claim from the retailer or supplier, or there is an issue with an Australian furnishing product or service, we can help you.

Just follow the simple steps.

Bought something in store or online which does not meet your expectations? We’re here to help.

As a consumer, you automatically receive certain guarantees when you buy furniture goods *exceptions apply.

You are covered by the law if the goods cost less than $40,000. If the goods cost more than $40,000 but are normally used for personal, domestic or household purposes, the guarantees will still apply.
This means the consumer guarantees can apply to purchases that a business might make, for example an office chair or desk.
If you receive the goods or services as a gift, you have the same rights as the person who purchased them.

Furniture Complaints makes is easy for you to ensure that you get what you paid for. Our easy three step approach gives you the tools to make your complaint in the most appropriate way.
Complete the relevant sample template and receive your customised letter to submit to the retailer or seller.

Keep track of each step as you go and keep your records together for easy access. Start HERE

Not sure if you are covered by the Consumer Guarantees?

Check out the Australian Furniture Association’s easy to follow summary booklet HERE

Procured furniture for major projects? Faulty? Not Fit for Purpose?

Need sound advice about your options?

As a buyer or procurement officer of furniture products for business use, you are NOT automatically covered by consumer guarantees when you buy furniture goods *exceptions apply.

Let us help you determine your rights.

Register for product safety recall alerts – it’s easy!

Everyone buys products, BUT do you know when something you have bought might be recalled by the supplier?

Most recalls aren’t covered on the TV or radio news. We can’t read every newspaper. But suppliers are required by law to notify the government when they initiate a product recall.

The government makes this information freely available to the public via its Product Recalls website.

By registering for category alerts at Product Recalls Australia, you will be notified any time a product is recalled. You can even select which types of products you want to be notified about.

Product Recalls

Find out the latest on our Furniture Complaints Product Recalls page

Furniture In The Media

Research Before You Buy with Furniture Complaints Australia

Australia’s first dedicated consumer complaint handling service relating to unsafe, faulty or not fit for purpose furnishing products.

If you are dissatisfied, or have a problem with an  furnishing product or service, we want to help you, as part of our commitment to Australian consumers.


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